Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is there a right gig or is just any gig?

So many times we hear bands say to their agent – we only want to booked at the right gig. Where is that gig? Is it the gig with the most people, pays the most money, has the best looking girls behind the bar, has the highest profile venue, supports your favorite rugby team, only serves Budweiser, is the latest destination of choice for Gen Y in the city or whose toilets are painted in fuscia – your personal favorite colour?

All or any of the above could be correct. The bottom line is you. What type of career do YOU want as a band? Who is your audience? Where do THEY live? What do THEY read? Where do THEY hang? How does each gig add to your bottom line and your value in the long term view of your career?

You could be playing your best gig in your grandma’s basement and still land a deal and carve a successful career. It’s not what is outside of the band – it’s what is inside that counts.

Self help guruish? Absofrigginlutley! The bottom line is always you.

I remember gigging at this major concert where we had a new sound technician missing the band. He said one thing that has stayed with me forever – “Shit on stage. Shit off stage.” No matter how much you spend on equipment, instruments, costumes, lights, marketing and management, if you don’t know who the hell you are, why you are doing this and with these particular people and where you are headed with it all, then nothing else will help.

So make a plan today. Get your band together and chart your vision – set some goals – make a choice about where you are headed together and get the ball rolling.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Spring Concerts!

Emerging original bands in Brisbane - Gigahertz is releasing a series of Spring Concerts! Please email your latest EPK to: - to grab a place on the roster.